Monday, October 29, 2012

You Are... Making a Difference

“Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.”  ~William James
I’m sure we’ve all felt invisible; like whom we are and what we do doesn’t mean anything and has no affect on the world. I certainly know I’ve felt that way. I’ve felt that way this week. But, today I hope you’ll realize that you aren’t invisible and who you are and what you do affect everything in your world.  Now, I know that it’s easier written than understood; but, once you notice the effect you have on others, you’ll begin to realize the difference you can make.
Think about the people you look up to. Do you watch what they do? Do their words and actions affect the level of respect you have for them? Now, think about the possibility of people in your life, even those you merely see every day, watching you in the same way you watch the people you look up to. The people you interact with—whether that be seeing them, talking to them, mingling through the internet or some other form—are watching what you do, and listening intently to what you say. The things you say and do will affect the level of respect others have for you.
Knowing that you affect everyone around you with your words and actions should not be thought of as too big of a responsibility. I hope that you all will get excited at the opportunity to influence your world, even if it’s only one person or one thing.
You are making a difference.
“The world is not interested in what we do for a living. What they are interested in is what we have to offer freely - hope, strength, love and the power to make a difference! ” - Sasha Azevedo
Feel Free to Quote Me.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice. I believe we are all leaders and role models. We just don't realize who may be watching us. We all make a difference in this world, even in small ways. :)
