Sunday, October 21, 2012

You Are... Inspirational

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.” –Robert Louis Stevenson
I call myself an encourager. I enjoy being a person’s personal cheerleader. But, I also depend on others to encourage me. I am easily beat down when it feels like I am helping others and no one is around to help me. But, this quote really speaks to me. It challenges me to evaluate the reason I encourage. Do I simply tell others they’re amazing, in the hope that they will then shower me with compliments, or do I encourage because I have a heart for helping others realize who they are and who they can become? This challenge is applicable to all aspects of our lives.
Inspiring others is not always a direct harvest that is reaped in your garden. When you plant a seed in someone else’s life, it grows and flourishes in them, not necessarily in you. It may be difficult to recognize the impact you have in people’s lives. But, it becomes easier to see a seed you have planted, once the plant is seen growing in a person’s life. That is when you reap a harvest.
You Are Inspirational.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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