Monday, October 8, 2012

You Are... Sweet

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”  -Leo Buscaglia
I really wanted to encourage you to be sweet. But, as I searched for a useful quote, all I could find were images of chocolate or gummy bears and that really only succeeded in making my sweet tooth ache. But, then I stumbled across this little quote from Leo Buscaglia. It envelops all that I believe being sweet should be.
See, I’ve already encouraged you all this month that you are kind. Well, imagine the word “sweet” branching off of kindness. I consider being sweet as one of the most minute acts of kindness that can literally change a person’s life. I completely agree with Leo that something as small as giving a hug, smiling across the room, or even earnestly listening can brighten not only someone’s day, but even someone’s life.
Kindness seems to imply the urge to action or sacrifice. While this is something I fully encourage (especially considering it was the first word I chose this month), I also believe in being sweet. Sweet is the type of kindness that doesn’t require much sacrifice. Sweet is waving or acknowledging someone from across the room. Sweet is smiling at a stranger as they walk by. Sweet is giving a compliment, and meaning it. All of these acts, you’ll notice, are probably actions you all do on a regular basis without even fully realizing it. That’s what sweet is! Or, as I like to call it, your subconscious kindness.
You are sweet. Take some time today to notice the little things you do without noticing, and you’ll find that sweet is within.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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