Monday, October 22, 2012

You Are... Loved

“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. “-Victor Hugo
What is love? Is it a feeling? Is it something you must earn?  I happen to have two quotes that answer these questions quite profoundly.
In one of my favorite movies, Dan in Real Life, a daughter’s boyfriend tells Steve Carrell’s character, “Love isn’t a feeling, it’s an ability.” All too often, we base our love on how we feel when we’re around a person. We confuse happiness with love. Love, however, is an act; something that is shown in many different ways.
Paulo Coelho once said, “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.” Today, you may be feeling undeserving of love from others. But, love is not something you can earn, nor must you try to earn it. You are loved, exactly as you are today. Embrace it.
"You are loved just as you are right this very moment. The world has become more wonderful just because you are here." - Debby Boone
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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