Thursday, October 11, 2012

You Are... Memorable

“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.” -Leo Burnett
I think this honestly may become my new mantra for my blog. And, potentially everything I do. This quote just really resonates with me. I enjoy that it says to be simple and memorable. So many things in my life that I remember the most were so simple. My favorite childhood memories are the little things. People don’t remember long, confusing things as well as they remember inviting, fun, and simple things. But, how does this relate to us as people?
In this quote let’s replace “it” with “yourself.” I challenge myself, and you, to constantly focus on being simple, inviting, and fun. People will hardly remember the things you did as much as they will remember the person you were. We don’t need complex plans for fame to be memorable. We don’t need to be outrageous or obnoxious for others to remember us.
People won’t remember the things you said or did; they will remember how you made them feel. Let’s really focus on being simple, inviting, and fun people. I, for one, would like to be remembered as that type of person. After all, that’s who others will remember.
You are memorable. Not for the mistakes you make or the successes you revel in, but for the person you are everyday.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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