Friday, October 12, 2012

You Are... Talented

“This is what I learned: that everybody is talented, original and has something important to say.” -Brenda Ueland
What a valuable lesson. It is a true gift to be able to understand the talent and originality that everyone has. But, I also believe that it is just as important, if not more important, for us to recognize the talent and originality that we ourselves have. Talent is a gift that everyone is blessed with.
 Talent speaks to each individual’s natural, raw ability. What I so love about this quote from Brenda Ueland is that she speaks about everyone having talent and originality, because they do go together.
You are completely unique.  The talents and gifts that you have are solely unique to you. No other person can do the things you do in the exact same way you do them. When we realize this, then we should also understand that our talents aren’t comparable to others. We have no reason to judge ourselves against others because we aren’t-nor will we ever be-them.
You have been so blessed with talent overflowing. I encourage you to take your talent-the talent that is completely unique to you-and accomplish great things. Believe that you really do have talent, the key to achieving vast and impressive things. You can, because you are talented.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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