Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You Are... Smart.

 “Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” –Albert Einstein
The word “smart” can be defined as having or displaying quick-witted intelligence. While this is completely logical and I usually try not to argue with my dictionary, I have to agree with Einstein’s point of view. The dictionary is too broad for us to base the qualifications of a genius on.
See, what Einstein is pointing out is that genius is related to the gifts and talents each person is blessed with. For example, while Suzie-Sally might struggle in mastering the art of origami, she very well may be an up-and-coming modern day Picasso. But, if society judges her based solely on her origami skills, she will never “measure up” to Joe Bob who just so happens to be an origami prodigy.
Smart doesn’t have, nor does it need, a clear definition. What we must understand is that we can become our inner genius as long as we are willing to let go of the tree, and the judgment of other people around us, and take a swim.
Never forget that you are smart! Go find your forte, your passion, and become the genius you are destined to be!!!
As always, Feel Free to Quote Me.

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