Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You Are... Priceless

“For the sake of it, you journey to sacred shrines and holy rivers; but this priceless jewel is within your own heart.” - Sri Guru Granth Sahib
I always imagined the worth of finding treasure. But, treasure is defined as being priceless. Things that mean the most to people don’t have a price tag. You are one of those treasures. You are irreplaceable and valued in ways that money, gold, or anything else can express.
While I thought about this word “priceless,” I kept thinking about the MasterCard commercials that would list things that you would have to pay for and then end with a heartfelt moment as being priceless. So, when you feel worthless, just remember, you can buy all the makeup, curling irons, clothes, and anything else you please; but, when all is said and done, only you are priceless.
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