Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You Are... Important

“You saw me when I was invisible.” –Princess Mia
All too often, I get the feeling of invisibility. Why can’t my teachers say my name right? Did that guy just look at me, or past me? Does anyone truly listen to what I have to say? I get the feeling that most of you understand that feeling. I always think back to The Princess Diaries, where Mia believes she is completely invisible right until the end of the movie when she realizes that Michael was there for her all along.
Today, I just really want to encourage you that, even when you think no one is noticing you, someone out there is paying attention to you. I don’t mean that in a way to pressure you, but at the same time, the things you say and do are seen and heard by someone somewhere. Once you say something, the sound waves are in the atmosphere forever. However, this shouldn’t be considered a bad thing.
 Every day, you have the opportunity to influence and inspire the people around you. While you may feel unnoticed, or even inadequate, someone is noticing you and sees you as beyond adequate!!!
If you will recall, the past two days consisted of the words, “kind” and “smart”. Magicians usually don’t reveal their secrets, but I will just this once. The reason I started with these three words is to start you all off with an encouraging mantra to remember…

Someone sees you even when you feel invisible. Never forget that you are important.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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