Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You Are... Brave

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”  ~Ambrose Redmoon
I just love this quote. I love the idea that bravery isn’t abandoning all fear, but setting aside your fear because you understand that what you’re fighting for is more important than the fear holding you back.
Fear has been such an ongoing topic during this month. If you recall, on Sunday, I wrote about setting aside your fear of failure to live the creative life that is ahead of you. Who you are (kind, talented, creative, etc.) may only fully be realized when you have the bravery to abandon your fear in order to let who you are shine through. We must first be brave before the rest of who we are can be recognized.
I believe that bravery creates a big impact through a small act. I believe that bravery is befriending a new person. I believe that bravery is taking a harder class in school, even if you feel underprepared. I believe that bravery is letting go of something, even in the midst of uncertainty that something new and better will arise. I believe that bravery is in never giving up, and never giving in. I believe that bravery is within.
You are brave.
 “Courage doesn't always roar.  Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.”  ~Mary Anne Radmacher
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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