Thursday, October 4, 2012

You Are... Capable

“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” –Thomas Edison
Wow. That’s all I can seem to muster up after quoting Mr. Edison. This idea honestly empowers me so incredibly. When I read this line, I begin to realize that not only is Thomas saying that we are capable of innumerable feats, but he is also challenging us to perform them every day. And, he says it in such a way that I actually want to pick myself up and change the world!
But, there’s always that day when I go to school, feeling underprepared, exhausted, and completely unmotivated. I’m sure you all have those days too. It’s those days that make realizing our ability so far-fetched. But, I would like to challenge myself, and you all, especially on those days, to astound ourselves and at least attempt to reach our full potential and capability.
I also believe that we were created by capable hands. I believe that God is a capable God, and He gave us purpose, along with the ability to fulfill it.
Thomas Edison was right. We are capable of accomplishing countless triumphs. I for one would like to astound myself today, and do the things I am capable of. Will you join me? After all, you are capable.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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