Saturday, October 20, 2012

You Are... Outstanding

“I’m going to go stand outside. So, if anyone asks, I’m outstanding.”
I thought I’d start this post off with a good laugh! This quote may be taking this word a little too literally; but I do truly believe that being outstanding is honestly standing outside of something. That something is expectation.
 What do others expect of you? What standard are you held at in your classes?  How high is the bar raised in terms of your performance at your job? Now, don’t go getting the idea that I want you all to run in the opposite direction of these expectations and rebel, because that is simply NOT outstanding. What is outstanding is when you see the expectation, the bar, the standard, and you exceed it. Outstanding is having the courage to go above and beyond. Then, you can realize your full potential.
You Are Outstanding.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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