Tuesday, October 9, 2012

You Are... Funny

“From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.” –Dr. Seuss
I am an avid laugher. I’m also a naturally happy, optimistic person. Some people say that happier people laugh more. But, I believe that people who laugh more are happier.
When someone is upset or seems to be having a rough day, what do we do? Some of you might be saying that we try to make them happy. But, happy is a feeling, and we can’t make others feel anything they don’t choose to feel. What I believe we do is try to make them laugh. A funny video, a little pun, or even a simple Laffy Taffy wrapper joke can brighten an entire day. Laughter provides an escape from the troubles that attack people every day.
I have a couple fun facts for you all! For an adult, laughing burns roughly 1.3 calories per minute. Laughing a mere 15 minutes a day could also add eight years to your life! Now, I’m not saying laugh at everything simply because it’s been proven healthier than frowning all day. But, ultimately, wouldn’t you rather have smile lines on your face, rather than frown lines?
You are funny. Not laughable, but laughter inducing.
“Laughter is an instant vacation.” –Milton Berle
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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