Tuesday, October 30, 2012

You Are... Someone's Reason to Smile

“A smile is the universal welcome.”-Max Eastman
Over the past month, I hope you’ve gained a new sense of confidence in everything that you are. Sometimes, one of the best ways to brighten my day is the knowledge that other people are thinking of me or are blessed by who I am. You all may feel that way at times as well. I hope that today you can remember that you are the reason for someone’s smile. Even when you feel less than perfect, I encourage you to remember that somewhere, someone is smiling because they know you and have blessed, simply by you being you.
Today’s message may be short, but it may be one of the most important messages of this month. I hope you never lose your smile, because it is contagious!
You Are Someone’s Reason to Smile.
 “If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours.”-Proverb
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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