Friday, October 19, 2012

You Are... Wanted

"Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would give my life for you. This is the miracle of life.” ~ Maureen Hawkins
This quote just makes me smile. This phrase was written by a mother, and it reminds me of just how amazing a parent can be. To love your child, before conception has even occurred and to long so deeply for a son or daughter is so heartwarming.  My mom and dad constantly tell my sister and I how they loved us before they knew they would have us. This is so very touching and encouraging!
I hope you can also be encouraged that somewhere someone wants you.  Someone loves you unconditionally. You are valuable to people beyond your comprehension.  Your smile, your capability, your kindness, and so much more are longed for by others.
You are wanted. Not merely for what you do, but for who you are, unapologetically, every day.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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