Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You Are... Not Alone

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. “-Audrey Hepburn
Loneliness is a trap. It invites people in with the lie that no one understands, nor do they care or want to help. But, it is vital to recognize that you are never alone in order for you to fully realize who you are.
I constantly catch myself saying “Gosh, my classes are so hard! My life is so busy! Why don’t you care about what I’m going through?” My mother could testify that I have said these exact words, perhaps even in the past week. But, she always wisely points out that there are 25 other peers in each of my classes with the same work-load and that everyone has things to do and places to be. While we all may have hectic schedules, it is important to remember that everyone around us also struggles with chaos and stress.
 It is also important to remember that people do care and are willing to help you (remember, two words this month were kind and dependable). When you are having a difficult time, it is essential to understand that others can sympathize with your circumstance, and are eager to help you. Because loneliness is a trap, it is far easier to fall in than to crawl out. But, it becomes far easier to wriggle out of the grasp of loneliness when you have others who support you and can assist you.
As I mulled over this topic, the Michael Jackson song, “You Are Not Alone” kept running through my mind. I continue to hear the chorus play and, for some reason, it just encourages me that, even when I feel like the closest person to me is miles away, I am never alone. I will end with his brilliant words in the hope that you will also be encouraged. You are not alone.
“You are not alone/I am here with you/ Though you’re far away/I am here to stay/You are not alone/I am here with you/Though we’re far apart/You’re always in my heart.”
Feel Free to Quote Me.

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