Monday, October 15, 2012

You Are... Extraordinary

“We must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.” -Uta Hagen

When I was younger, one of my elementary classrooms had a poster that wrote,” The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” As I remember the seemingly small burst of encouragement that poster gave me every day, I’ve come to realize that this idea is a challenge. There is no hope of achieving extraordinary things unless we make the decision to add a little extra to the ordinary.

The word “mediocre” is dreadful to me. This may be because I have never woken up in the morning and said, “Wow. I hope today is really mediocre.” My teachers have never asked me to achieve mediocrity, nor do my parents tell me to dream big and become a mediocre person. So, why, I ask myself, should I ever desire to be considered normal? I ask you all the same thing. What does normal or regular have that extraordinary doesn’t multiply?

You Are Extraordinary.

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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