Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You Are... Enough

“You are enough, just as you are. Each emotion you feel, everything in your life, everything you do or do not do… where you are and who you are right now is enough. It is perfect. You are perfect enough.” –Melanie Jade.
Well, it’s the end of the month, and the end of a journey. But, I hope you will all realize that these words are simply that; just words. They become a part of your life, though, when you accept the understanding that you are what these words say you are. And, beyond just that, who you are is in fact, enough.
You never need to feel like who you are, what you feel or believe isn’t important or valuable. You are exactly who you need to be right this very moment. And, if there’s anything I hope you gain from this month, it’s that you are enough.
Thank you so much for joining me this month. I encourage you to remember exactly who you are, stand firmly on it, and don’t let anyone or anything waver you from that understanding.
You Are Enough!!!!!!!
“You are a beautiful creation… perfectly imperfect… a work in progress… you have everything you need to fulfill your purpose… don’t dilute yourself for any person or any reason… you are enough… be unapologetically you.” –Steve Maraboli
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

You Are... Someone's Reason to Smile

“A smile is the universal welcome.”-Max Eastman
Over the past month, I hope you’ve gained a new sense of confidence in everything that you are. Sometimes, one of the best ways to brighten my day is the knowledge that other people are thinking of me or are blessed by who I am. You all may feel that way at times as well. I hope that today you can remember that you are the reason for someone’s smile. Even when you feel less than perfect, I encourage you to remember that somewhere, someone is smiling because they know you and have blessed, simply by you being you.
Today’s message may be short, but it may be one of the most important messages of this month. I hope you never lose your smile, because it is contagious!
You Are Someone’s Reason to Smile.
 “If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours.”-Proverb
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Monday, October 29, 2012

You Are... Making a Difference

“Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.”  ~William James
I’m sure we’ve all felt invisible; like whom we are and what we do doesn’t mean anything and has no affect on the world. I certainly know I’ve felt that way. I’ve felt that way this week. But, today I hope you’ll realize that you aren’t invisible and who you are and what you do affect everything in your world.  Now, I know that it’s easier written than understood; but, once you notice the effect you have on others, you’ll begin to realize the difference you can make.
Think about the people you look up to. Do you watch what they do? Do their words and actions affect the level of respect you have for them? Now, think about the possibility of people in your life, even those you merely see every day, watching you in the same way you watch the people you look up to. The people you interact with—whether that be seeing them, talking to them, mingling through the internet or some other form—are watching what you do, and listening intently to what you say. The things you say and do will affect the level of respect others have for you.
Knowing that you affect everyone around you with your words and actions should not be thought of as too big of a responsibility. I hope that you all will get excited at the opportunity to influence your world, even if it’s only one person or one thing.
You are making a difference.
“The world is not interested in what we do for a living. What they are interested in is what we have to offer freely - hope, strength, love and the power to make a difference! ” - Sasha Azevedo
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

You Are... Special

“Life becomes precious and more special to us when we look for the little everyday miracles and get excited about the privileges of simply being human.” –Tim Hansel
I must say I almost didn’t write about being special. I felt like it was a bit cliché and overused, almost to the point of being meaningless. But, when I found this quote, I realized that being special is nothing more than accepting who you are, as you are, right this very moment. As the world becomes so dependent on the status quo, expectation of who and what people should be becomes disproportioned to the point that we forget to simply be us.
Today, take some time to remember just who you are, because whatever that is, is truly special.
You Are Special.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

You Are... Worthy

“Accept yourself as you are. Otherwise you will never see opportunity. You will not feel free to move toward it; you will feel you are not deserving.” ~Maxwell Maltz
All this month, I’ve written about who you are; beautiful, smart, talented, etc. But, these words mean nothing unless you believe you are worthy. For example, you may be told every day by many people that you are beautiful; but, unless you can realize every day that you deserve the compliment, the words are but lost in space.
As you think about all the words I’ve written about this month, remember that they are only words until you believe that you are what they say you are. Realize who you are, believe in it fully, and it will not fail you. Because, you are worthy.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Friday, October 26, 2012

You Are... Purposeful

“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”-Helen Keller
We are all created with specific abilities. When we utilize these gifts in a worthy fashion, we are fulfilling our purpose. Why else are we here, if not for a purpose?
You may feel like you have no abilities worth sharing. I encourage you to think about some of the words I’ve written about this month. Think about your kindness, strength, humor, bravery, power, determination, etc. As you discover who you are, do not keep it to yourself! When you share who you are and what you can do with those around you, your purpose is realized.
You are purposeful.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

You Are... Determined

“If you are determined enough and willing to pay the price, you can get it done.”-Mike Ditka
I believe so strongly that we are all talented and capable of accomplishing amazing things. However, I also believe that success is only achievable for those who are knocked down and always get back up. Determination is the foundation of realizing exactly who you are and all you can do.
Those who are determined to be great will never fall short of it. Are you so determined to be the best you possible? I challenge you to persevere beyond all trials and you will not fall short of your dreams.
You are determined.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You Are... Priceless

“For the sake of it, you journey to sacred shrines and holy rivers; but this priceless jewel is within your own heart.” - Sri Guru Granth Sahib
I always imagined the worth of finding treasure. But, treasure is defined as being priceless. Things that mean the most to people don’t have a price tag. You are one of those treasures. You are irreplaceable and valued in ways that money, gold, or anything else can express.
While I thought about this word “priceless,” I kept thinking about the MasterCard commercials that would list things that you would have to pay for and then end with a heartfelt moment as being priceless. So, when you feel worthless, just remember, you can buy all the makeup, curling irons, clothes, and anything else you please; but, when all is said and done, only you are priceless.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You Are... Powerful

“If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.”  ~Mary Engelbreit
Throughout this month, I have written about changing your perspective. When I say that you’re powerful, I don’t necessarily mean that you are “buff” physically. I think your true power is in your thoughts.
There are so many situations that you can’t change and people you can’t change; this won’t change no matter how many hours you spend at the gym. But, you can change yourself and your thoughts. You have the power to change the way you look at a circumstance. You are not what you’re faced with. You are what you overcome.
You have the power to accomplish unimaginable things. Any obstacle or challenge will never compare to the power you have within. I saw a beautiful quote that inspires me to push myself beyond what I think I can do. It says, “Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” When you embrace the power you have within, you will never need to settle for anything but the best.
You are powerful.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Monday, October 22, 2012

You Are... Loved

“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. “-Victor Hugo
What is love? Is it a feeling? Is it something you must earn?  I happen to have two quotes that answer these questions quite profoundly.
In one of my favorite movies, Dan in Real Life, a daughter’s boyfriend tells Steve Carrell’s character, “Love isn’t a feeling, it’s an ability.” All too often, we base our love on how we feel when we’re around a person. We confuse happiness with love. Love, however, is an act; something that is shown in many different ways.
Paulo Coelho once said, “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.” Today, you may be feeling undeserving of love from others. But, love is not something you can earn, nor must you try to earn it. You are loved, exactly as you are today. Embrace it.
"You are loved just as you are right this very moment. The world has become more wonderful just because you are here." - Debby Boone
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

You Are... Inspirational

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.” –Robert Louis Stevenson
I call myself an encourager. I enjoy being a person’s personal cheerleader. But, I also depend on others to encourage me. I am easily beat down when it feels like I am helping others and no one is around to help me. But, this quote really speaks to me. It challenges me to evaluate the reason I encourage. Do I simply tell others they’re amazing, in the hope that they will then shower me with compliments, or do I encourage because I have a heart for helping others realize who they are and who they can become? This challenge is applicable to all aspects of our lives.
Inspiring others is not always a direct harvest that is reaped in your garden. When you plant a seed in someone else’s life, it grows and flourishes in them, not necessarily in you. It may be difficult to recognize the impact you have in people’s lives. But, it becomes easier to see a seed you have planted, once the plant is seen growing in a person’s life. That is when you reap a harvest.
You Are Inspirational.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

You Are... Outstanding

“I’m going to go stand outside. So, if anyone asks, I’m outstanding.”
I thought I’d start this post off with a good laugh! This quote may be taking this word a little too literally; but I do truly believe that being outstanding is honestly standing outside of something. That something is expectation.
 What do others expect of you? What standard are you held at in your classes?  How high is the bar raised in terms of your performance at your job? Now, don’t go getting the idea that I want you all to run in the opposite direction of these expectations and rebel, because that is simply NOT outstanding. What is outstanding is when you see the expectation, the bar, the standard, and you exceed it. Outstanding is having the courage to go above and beyond. Then, you can realize your full potential.
You Are Outstanding.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Friday, October 19, 2012

You Are... Wanted

"Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would give my life for you. This is the miracle of life.” ~ Maureen Hawkins
This quote just makes me smile. This phrase was written by a mother, and it reminds me of just how amazing a parent can be. To love your child, before conception has even occurred and to long so deeply for a son or daughter is so heartwarming.  My mom and dad constantly tell my sister and I how they loved us before they knew they would have us. This is so very touching and encouraging!
I hope you can also be encouraged that somewhere someone wants you.  Someone loves you unconditionally. You are valuable to people beyond your comprehension.  Your smile, your capability, your kindness, and so much more are longed for by others.
You are wanted. Not merely for what you do, but for who you are, unapologetically, every day.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

You Are... Honest

“We tell lies when we are afraid...  But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger.” -Tad Williams
When I was little, I had trouble with telling lies. I was so concerned with pleasing everyone around me, especially my parents, that I would tell a lie in order to avoid disappointing people. Eventually, though, the truth would come out; and I soon realized that being honest with a person the first time around was far less disappointing to them than finding out that I had lied.
Today, I want to encourage you to be honest in who you are. This quote by Tad Williams speaks so dearly to the hardship that comes with honesty, something I have struggled with for a long time; fear. Williams is spot on about the fears that arise when showing people who you are. To overcome these fears and be honest with others, we must first be honest with ourselves.
One of my favorite TV shows is called Psych. There is an episode of this show where the main character (a man pretending to be a psychic, when, in reality, he is just observant) is hooked up to a lie detector. The interrogator asks him if he is really a psychic. Before the man answers, he forces himself to believe the lie beyond a shadow of a doubt. After he does that, the lie then becomes his truth. In the same way, the more we convince ourselves of something and display it for others to see, the more our lies become deceitful truth.
Tad Williams profoundly states that, when we tell lies, the fears that we have gain power. The more you convince yourself that you aren’t smart, kind, creative, dependable, etc. whatever you fear in being honest takes more power in your life. Be true to who you are! You are honest.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You Are... Not Alone

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. “-Audrey Hepburn
Loneliness is a trap. It invites people in with the lie that no one understands, nor do they care or want to help. But, it is vital to recognize that you are never alone in order for you to fully realize who you are.
I constantly catch myself saying “Gosh, my classes are so hard! My life is so busy! Why don’t you care about what I’m going through?” My mother could testify that I have said these exact words, perhaps even in the past week. But, she always wisely points out that there are 25 other peers in each of my classes with the same work-load and that everyone has things to do and places to be. While we all may have hectic schedules, it is important to remember that everyone around us also struggles with chaos and stress.
 It is also important to remember that people do care and are willing to help you (remember, two words this month were kind and dependable). When you are having a difficult time, it is essential to understand that others can sympathize with your circumstance, and are eager to help you. Because loneliness is a trap, it is far easier to fall in than to crawl out. But, it becomes far easier to wriggle out of the grasp of loneliness when you have others who support you and can assist you.
As I mulled over this topic, the Michael Jackson song, “You Are Not Alone” kept running through my mind. I continue to hear the chorus play and, for some reason, it just encourages me that, even when I feel like the closest person to me is miles away, I am never alone. I will end with his brilliant words in the hope that you will also be encouraged. You are not alone.
“You are not alone/I am here with you/ Though you’re far away/I am here to stay/You are not alone/I am here with you/Though we’re far apart/You’re always in my heart.”
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You Are... Brave

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”  ~Ambrose Redmoon
I just love this quote. I love the idea that bravery isn’t abandoning all fear, but setting aside your fear because you understand that what you’re fighting for is more important than the fear holding you back.
Fear has been such an ongoing topic during this month. If you recall, on Sunday, I wrote about setting aside your fear of failure to live the creative life that is ahead of you. Who you are (kind, talented, creative, etc.) may only fully be realized when you have the bravery to abandon your fear in order to let who you are shine through. We must first be brave before the rest of who we are can be recognized.
I believe that bravery creates a big impact through a small act. I believe that bravery is befriending a new person. I believe that bravery is taking a harder class in school, even if you feel underprepared. I believe that bravery is letting go of something, even in the midst of uncertainty that something new and better will arise. I believe that bravery is in never giving up, and never giving in. I believe that bravery is within.
You are brave.
 “Courage doesn't always roar.  Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.”  ~Mary Anne Radmacher
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Monday, October 15, 2012

You Are... Extraordinary

“We must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.” -Uta Hagen

When I was younger, one of my elementary classrooms had a poster that wrote,” The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” As I remember the seemingly small burst of encouragement that poster gave me every day, I’ve come to realize that this idea is a challenge. There is no hope of achieving extraordinary things unless we make the decision to add a little extra to the ordinary.

The word “mediocre” is dreadful to me. This may be because I have never woken up in the morning and said, “Wow. I hope today is really mediocre.” My teachers have never asked me to achieve mediocrity, nor do my parents tell me to dream big and become a mediocre person. So, why, I ask myself, should I ever desire to be considered normal? I ask you all the same thing. What does normal or regular have that extraordinary doesn’t multiply?

You Are Extraordinary.

Feel Free to Quote Me.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

You Are... Creative

“To live a creative life, we must lose the fear of being wrong.” –Joseph Pearce
Oh fear. That little dark room where negatives are developed, as I’ve heard it described before, can cause such heart-ache. Why is it, that something so minute as the fear of failure, can destroy one’s ability to live creatively? Perhaps, it is not the power fear has, but rather the extent of our lives we let fear dominate.
In my opinion, living a creative life doesn’t mean making collages every day, or finger painting all the time. Instead, I think it means having the courage to abandon our fear of imperfection. I may make it sound simple in writing, but, this is also something I struggle with. We all must continue to strive, not for perfection, but for joy in imperfection.
One of my favorite sayings is, “If you stumble, make it part of the dance.”  Your life, your dance, is only as colorful as you create it to be. The mistakes you make along the way don’t destroy the dance. Those mistakes could even be what take your dance on the road to becoming a masterpiece.
Art is said to be a work in progress, always changing according to each individual’s point of view. The art, the dance (whichever you prefer) you are creating is a work in progress. If you change your perspective, you may just find that what you are creating is a joyous imperfection; one to be celebrated.
You are creative.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

You Are... A Friend

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”  ~C.S. Lewis
Who are your friends? Are they the people you’re comfortable being yourself around? Do they stand up for you? Do they listen to your problems, even when they appear petty or unimportant? Do they challenge you to be a better person every day? Hopefully, you’ve answered these questions as you’ve read them. But, now, I challenge you to ask yourself the same questions. Having a friend should reciprocate to being a friend.
My brilliant mom once told me, “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and will sing it back to you when you’ve forgotten the words.” This is so… deep. Friends are people who remind us who we really are, even when we don’t remember. They build us up, and encourage us to be the best version of ourselves. They will tell us the hard truth, even when they want nothing more than to tell a pretty lie. Ask yourself; are you that type of friend?
“Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.”  ~Author Unknown
You are a friend.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Friday, October 12, 2012

You Are... Talented

“This is what I learned: that everybody is talented, original and has something important to say.” -Brenda Ueland
What a valuable lesson. It is a true gift to be able to understand the talent and originality that everyone has. But, I also believe that it is just as important, if not more important, for us to recognize the talent and originality that we ourselves have. Talent is a gift that everyone is blessed with.
 Talent speaks to each individual’s natural, raw ability. What I so love about this quote from Brenda Ueland is that she speaks about everyone having talent and originality, because they do go together.
You are completely unique.  The talents and gifts that you have are solely unique to you. No other person can do the things you do in the exact same way you do them. When we realize this, then we should also understand that our talents aren’t comparable to others. We have no reason to judge ourselves against others because we aren’t-nor will we ever be-them.
You have been so blessed with talent overflowing. I encourage you to take your talent-the talent that is completely unique to you-and accomplish great things. Believe that you really do have talent, the key to achieving vast and impressive things. You can, because you are talented.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

You Are... Memorable

“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.” -Leo Burnett
I think this honestly may become my new mantra for my blog. And, potentially everything I do. This quote just really resonates with me. I enjoy that it says to be simple and memorable. So many things in my life that I remember the most were so simple. My favorite childhood memories are the little things. People don’t remember long, confusing things as well as they remember inviting, fun, and simple things. But, how does this relate to us as people?
In this quote let’s replace “it” with “yourself.” I challenge myself, and you, to constantly focus on being simple, inviting, and fun. People will hardly remember the things you did as much as they will remember the person you were. We don’t need complex plans for fame to be memorable. We don’t need to be outrageous or obnoxious for others to remember us.
People won’t remember the things you said or did; they will remember how you made them feel. Let’s really focus on being simple, inviting, and fun people. I, for one, would like to be remembered as that type of person. After all, that’s who others will remember.
You are memorable. Not for the mistakes you make or the successes you revel in, but for the person you are everyday.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

You Are... Dependable

“Without dependability one’s ability may be a liability instead of an asset.” -Woodrow Wilson
Every day, we should aspire to be trustworthy. Dependability does not mean being a welcome mat that everyone walks on, but hardly notices; nor does it mean that we must become “yes men” (or women).  Dependability is being reliable and following through on the things we say yes to.
Every day, we need to practice dependability. We need to focus on being the type of person others can trust and lean on. You may feel like you aren’t someone others need, but, trust me, you are. Maybe you’re a mother who caters to the need of her children. Maybe you’re the undesignated tutor for your peers in math class. Whatever you do, and however minute it may seem, someone somewhere depends on you. This is an honor and a responsibility we should focus on.
In sixth grade, during one of the many basketball camps I was involved in, I learned the importance of following through my shot. If I stopped my hand short, the shot stopped short as well (woah, say that five times fast. Shot stopped short, shot stopped short… Tongue twister! ). The same idea applies to life. If we aren’t dependable, if we don’t follow through the shots we take, everything we try will bounce off the rim of greatness.
I really want to encourage you today to follow through on your shots. Be the player in whom your teammates can have confidence. You are dependable.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

You Are... Funny

“From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.” –Dr. Seuss
I am an avid laugher. I’m also a naturally happy, optimistic person. Some people say that happier people laugh more. But, I believe that people who laugh more are happier.
When someone is upset or seems to be having a rough day, what do we do? Some of you might be saying that we try to make them happy. But, happy is a feeling, and we can’t make others feel anything they don’t choose to feel. What I believe we do is try to make them laugh. A funny video, a little pun, or even a simple Laffy Taffy wrapper joke can brighten an entire day. Laughter provides an escape from the troubles that attack people every day.
I have a couple fun facts for you all! For an adult, laughing burns roughly 1.3 calories per minute. Laughing a mere 15 minutes a day could also add eight years to your life! Now, I’m not saying laugh at everything simply because it’s been proven healthier than frowning all day. But, ultimately, wouldn’t you rather have smile lines on your face, rather than frown lines?
You are funny. Not laughable, but laughter inducing.
“Laughter is an instant vacation.” –Milton Berle
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Monday, October 8, 2012

You Are... Sweet

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”  -Leo Buscaglia
I really wanted to encourage you to be sweet. But, as I searched for a useful quote, all I could find were images of chocolate or gummy bears and that really only succeeded in making my sweet tooth ache. But, then I stumbled across this little quote from Leo Buscaglia. It envelops all that I believe being sweet should be.
See, I’ve already encouraged you all this month that you are kind. Well, imagine the word “sweet” branching off of kindness. I consider being sweet as one of the most minute acts of kindness that can literally change a person’s life. I completely agree with Leo that something as small as giving a hug, smiling across the room, or even earnestly listening can brighten not only someone’s day, but even someone’s life.
Kindness seems to imply the urge to action or sacrifice. While this is something I fully encourage (especially considering it was the first word I chose this month), I also believe in being sweet. Sweet is the type of kindness that doesn’t require much sacrifice. Sweet is waving or acknowledging someone from across the room. Sweet is smiling at a stranger as they walk by. Sweet is giving a compliment, and meaning it. All of these acts, you’ll notice, are probably actions you all do on a regular basis without even fully realizing it. That’s what sweet is! Or, as I like to call it, your subconscious kindness.
You are sweet. Take some time today to notice the little things you do without noticing, and you’ll find that sweet is within.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

You Are... Strong

“You have power over your mind-not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” –Marcus Aurelius
Strength is something that I’ve found many girls have a difficult time with. Strength seems to imply physical stature. This is true, but it goes so much further beyond how much a person can bench-press.
Strength is found in the things we overcome. Whether it be physical, like weightlifting, mentally, like taking harder classes in school, or spiritually, like healing a broken heart. Friedrich Nietzsche said, “That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.”
What Marcus Aurelius is trying to say is that strength doesn’t come in changing the situation around us, but in changing the way we view the situation. “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”
My mom always told me that a name spoke something over someone. Well, my name, Brianna, means “strong” in Celtic. This name spoke strength, physically, mentally, and spiritually into my life from the first breath.  Even at times, when this name felt like a burden of responsibility, I found that my strength wasn’t something I had to prove, but something I had to share. My strength doesn’t come merely from knowing what my name means, but in using my understanding of what my name means in order to overcome the obstacles I face.
You are strong. You cannot change your circumstance; you can only triumph over it. Strength starts in your mind. So, believe it, then live it.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

You Are... Beautiful

 “There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.” –Steve Maraboli
As you may recall, yesterday I wrote about being unique. You may also remember that I mentioned that we are in our skin for a lifetime, and we may as well get used to it, or perhaps even love it. Being unique, and accepting the differences we have from others, is one of the first steps to seeing yourself as a beautiful person. Notice I said seeing yourself as beautiful, not having others see you as beautiful.
 Others will either see you as lovely, or they will criticize you; but, no matter what those people say or think, only we can make ourselves feel beautiful. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
This quote from Steve Maraboli is truly inspiring. All too often, we feel pressure to change who we are according to the people we’re around, or the situation we’re faced with, in the hope that others will see us as beautiful, smart, etc. But, beauty is found in our differences. When you no longer feel like you have to apologize for who you are, you take on a whole new form of beauty.
I’m going to make a reference to The Princess Diaries for the second time this week. This movie is brilliant and deserves as many references as I can make!  There’s a song in the movie that says, “What makes you different, makes you beautiful.” This is so, so very true. I’d rather be a first rate me, than a second rate someone else. Wouldn’t you?
My mom showed me this brilliant saying. I’m so blessed to have such a great mom who sees me as beautiful, even when I feel far from it.

Embrace your “youness!!!” Because, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Friday, October 5, 2012

You Are... Unique

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” –Dr. Seuss
Right off the bat, I think you all should know that Dr. Seuss is my hero. And this quote is a perfect example of why. How is it, that in children’s literature, I seem to find the most inspiring and empowering ideas?
Who are you today? You. Do you look exactly like the person sitting next to you? No; and even if you do, like if you’re sitting by your identical twin, you still aren’t the exact same person as them.
I’m going to quote the great Dr. Seuss yet again. “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!” And, why would we ever want it any other way?
When I was little, I used to picture what it would be like to be someone else. Who would I be? Where would I live? But, after the daydream, I was still just me, living my life. But, that’s not really a bad thing.
We’re in our skin for a life time; we might as well get used to it, and possibly even love it.
In a world where you can be anyone you want, why not be yourself?
You are unique!  Let’s take the opportunity to create ourselves the way we always wanted, in our own unique way.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

You Are... Capable

“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” –Thomas Edison
Wow. That’s all I can seem to muster up after quoting Mr. Edison. This idea honestly empowers me so incredibly. When I read this line, I begin to realize that not only is Thomas saying that we are capable of innumerable feats, but he is also challenging us to perform them every day. And, he says it in such a way that I actually want to pick myself up and change the world!
But, there’s always that day when I go to school, feeling underprepared, exhausted, and completely unmotivated. I’m sure you all have those days too. It’s those days that make realizing our ability so far-fetched. But, I would like to challenge myself, and you all, especially on those days, to astound ourselves and at least attempt to reach our full potential and capability.
I also believe that we were created by capable hands. I believe that God is a capable God, and He gave us purpose, along with the ability to fulfill it.
Thomas Edison was right. We are capable of accomplishing countless triumphs. I for one would like to astound myself today, and do the things I am capable of. Will you join me? After all, you are capable.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You Are... Important

“You saw me when I was invisible.” –Princess Mia
All too often, I get the feeling of invisibility. Why can’t my teachers say my name right? Did that guy just look at me, or past me? Does anyone truly listen to what I have to say? I get the feeling that most of you understand that feeling. I always think back to The Princess Diaries, where Mia believes she is completely invisible right until the end of the movie when she realizes that Michael was there for her all along.
Today, I just really want to encourage you that, even when you think no one is noticing you, someone out there is paying attention to you. I don’t mean that in a way to pressure you, but at the same time, the things you say and do are seen and heard by someone somewhere. Once you say something, the sound waves are in the atmosphere forever. However, this shouldn’t be considered a bad thing.
 Every day, you have the opportunity to influence and inspire the people around you. While you may feel unnoticed, or even inadequate, someone is noticing you and sees you as beyond adequate!!!
If you will recall, the past two days consisted of the words, “kind” and “smart”. Magicians usually don’t reveal their secrets, but I will just this once. The reason I started with these three words is to start you all off with an encouraging mantra to remember…

Someone sees you even when you feel invisible. Never forget that you are important.
Feel Free to Quote Me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You Are... Smart.

 “Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” –Albert Einstein
The word “smart” can be defined as having or displaying quick-witted intelligence. While this is completely logical and I usually try not to argue with my dictionary, I have to agree with Einstein’s point of view. The dictionary is too broad for us to base the qualifications of a genius on.
See, what Einstein is pointing out is that genius is related to the gifts and talents each person is blessed with. For example, while Suzie-Sally might struggle in mastering the art of origami, she very well may be an up-and-coming modern day Picasso. But, if society judges her based solely on her origami skills, she will never “measure up” to Joe Bob who just so happens to be an origami prodigy.
Smart doesn’t have, nor does it need, a clear definition. What we must understand is that we can become our inner genius as long as we are willing to let go of the tree, and the judgment of other people around us, and take a swim.
Never forget that you are smart! Go find your forte, your passion, and become the genius you are destined to be!!!
As always, Feel Free to Quote Me.

Monday, October 1, 2012

You Are... Kind

“Kindness is just love with its work boots on.” –The House Bunny
I constantly hear people say that women are nurturers and lovers. I whole-heartedly agree with this. While men are also caring and loving, we girls just know how to make people feel better and love on others. This quote from The House Bunny honestly rolls everything kindness is into one short line.
If we love as we say we love, we should be willing and excited to help others.  Love without action can have no influence in anyone’s life.
Do you love? Then put your work boots on gals and be kind to one another! Because, you are kind.
And, remember, you can Feel Free to Quote Me.