Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 1: Walt Disney Himself

This year, for some reason, I was hesitant to participate in the 31 day challenge. I’ve been feeling extreme writers’ block, not to mention the busy schedule I’ve been juggling. But, I was hit with a spark of inspiration at the last minute (along with some help and encouragement from my mom!).

Welcome to 31 Days of Quoting Disney.

Yes, you read that right; Disney. I may almost be an adult, but I still love Disney the same way I did when I was little. What’s not to love about princesses, magic, and a world where happy endings are the only endings?

I chose this topic because I love quotes! Specifically, I love Disney quotes! Not a day goes by that I don’t quote a Disney movie, character, etc. It may seem somewhat childish, but I truly believe in the magic of Disney. While fairytales may not be realistic, they provide a sense of hope that life may be worth more than reality, that even the simplest things can change a life, and love is the most powerful thing in the world.
So, for the next month, I am going to share with you some of my favorite Disney quotes. And, throughout the next 31 days, I hope you will take time to remember the magic of Disney.

The first of many quotes is one from Walt Disney himself:

“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney

This quote is a simple reminder to laugh your troubles away, imagine like reality hasn’t proved you wrong, and keep dreaming of better days ahead.

The more we take time to enjoy life the way a child does, the easier it becomes to take adulthood in stride. Growing up is tough sometimes. But, if you keep magic close, you’ll find that life can take on a whole new meaning.

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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