Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 10- Alice in Wonderland

 “I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.”-Alice

This quote so deeply resonates with me, and I’m sure it probably does with many of you as well. I always seem to be the person who can give good advice to others, but many times I struggle to apply my wisdom to my own situations. I suppose the main issue is trusting in myself.

I believe we all have an understanding—an intuition, if you will—of what we know we should do in any given circumstance. But we need to trust that our instincts will not lead us astray.

Trust yourself! Listen to the leading of your heart, the gut feeling of what you know inside to be true. You may feel unsure of yourself now; but ultimately, you know right and wrong, good and bad, yes and no. And doubting yourself will only hurt you. When you give yourself good advice, take it to heart. Apply it! Otherwise you may just find yourself lost in a rabbit-hole.

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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