Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 5- Peter Pan

“Now think of the happiest things. It’s the same as having wings!”-Peter Pan

“We can fly! We can fly! We can fly!”-Wendy, John, and Michael

Think about your fondest memories, your dreams, the things you’ve accomplished, and how these things make you feel.

Now ask yourself, “Why don’t I think about these things more often?”

We are so quick to think about the negative aspects of our lives; the things that make us anxious, uncomfortable, and just plain unhappy. Why do we do this? Why do we focus on the negative? It doesn’t make us feel good and it doesn’t improve the situation.

Peter Pan taught us that focusing on happy thoughts can give us flight! Our happy thoughts, our faith, and our trust (and just a bit of pixie dust) can take us anywhere we want to go. I truly believe that a positive outlook can help us achieve more than a negative mind-set ever will.

“Think of all the joy you’ll find, when you leave the world behind, and bid your cares goodbye.”-Peter Pan

Today I encourage you to take some time to forget about your troubles. Take a moment to focus on happy things in your life. Count your blessings instead of sorrows. Leave your worries behind—if only for a short while—and see what difference good thoughts can have on your mood, attitude, and overall perspective!

I also encourage you to take time to think like a child. Don’t look at the world through adult eyes; eyes that have seen more hate than love and more hurt than help. See the world through children’s eyes, and you will always find happiness.

We all have to grow up sometime. But Walt Disney said it best: “Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.”

Remember your happy thoughts, rely on child-like faith, sprinkle a little homemade pixie dust on your heart, and leave your worries behind! You can fly!

“When there’s a smile in your heart, there’s no better time to start.”-Peter Pan

 “So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Neverland!”-Peter Pan

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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