Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 6- Chicken Little

“Though at times it may feel like the sky is falling around you, never give up. For every day. . . is a new day!”- Ace (Hollywood Chicken Little)

One of my favorite ideas of this movie is letting go of the past. Everyday Chicken Little reminds himself that, “Today is a new day.” Even when everyone around him judged him on something from his past, he continued to live each day with the mindset that each day is a new day. He did his best to make sure his past didn’t keep him from making the most of his present.

Whatever happened in your past—whether it was ten years ago or it was just yesterday—where you may still be trying to overcome judgment, condemnation, reputation, etc., remember that today is a new day!!! Even when you feel like you can’t move beyond the scars from your past, remind yourself that each new day is an opportunity to start over! Scars from your past are like scars on your body; you may still be able to see the evidence of the hurts, but they shouldn’t affect the way you function now.

Even when your sky is falling down and everything seems to be going wrong, don’t give up and don’t give in. Today is a new day!!! Forget your past mistakes and embrace the possibility of success today.

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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