Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 4- The Little Mermaid

 “What makes someone special? I suppose it all depends. It’s what’s unique in all of us.”-Ariel

If anyone knows anything about being different, it’s Ariel. She was never like the rest of her sisters, her best friend is a fish, and oh yeah she just happens to be a mermaid!!  And for a long time, all she saw were the barriers between her life and the human world. I think many times we have the tendency to focus on the things that make us different from other people. It’s only natural to notice the characteristics that set us apart from others. But many times we may look at others and begin to feel that they look prettier, have more, and/or are more special than us.

Take time to appreciate the differences around you! Everyone is created equal, but none of us are exactly the same. We are all talented, but in different areas. We are all beautiful, but in different ways. And, when you notice the parts of you that are “different,” remind yourself that you aren’t less than someone who isn’t the same as you. You are special! You are unique!

Life isn’t a competition. There is no one grand prize winner at the end of life who is better than the rest of us. Remember that your differences are what make you special! And know that there is always someone out there who truly admires your unique qualities and attributes.

And one last quote for your pondering pleasure:

“Who says my dreams have to stay just my dreams?”-Ariel

Our dreams and desires are just as unique to us as our characteristics. I hope you will come to value your dreams so much that you won’t let them stay just dreams! You are the only one who can make your dreams come true. Don’t give up and don’t give in! You are special! You have the power to turn a fantasy into reality. Believe in your dream, believe in yourself, and watch the impossible take place!

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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