Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 8- The Lion King

“Hakuna Matata.”- Timon and Pumbaa

Ah, what a wonderful phrase!

Think about every possible thing you could stress over or worry about today. If you let yourself get carried away, every aspect of your day has the potential to become stressful; what to wear, how to do your hair, even the smallest things can explode into worrisome issues!

But, I challenge you to take some time today to set a mind-set of “Hakuna Matata.” No worries. When an opportunity presents itself where you could potentially be stressed, simply try saying to yourself, “Hakuna Matata.”  No, it won’t eliminate the demands of the day and it won’t change the circumstance you’re in. But, perhaps even just thinking about a meerkat, a lion, and a warthog swinging in vines in the jungle singing Hankuna Matata will brighten your day.

Hakuna Matata isn’t about your circumstance, it’s about your attitude in the midst of a tough situation. When struggles arise, make the choice to think Hakuna-Matata-Thoughts. You can’t change the problem, but you can change how you view and handle the problem. No worries! Everything will be fine in the end; if it’s not fine, it’s not the end. Hakuna Matata!

“It’s our problem-free, philosophy, Hakuna Matata”-Timon and Pumbaa

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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