Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 7- The Incredibles

“I never look back darling. It distracts from the now.”-Edna

There is no way for me to read this quote and not read it internally with Edna’s voice. It instantly brings a smile to my face! It also reminds me to focus on my present and not my past.

I’ve talked about this idea a few times over the past few days. But it still comes back to the front of my brain regularly. The past holds so much for all of us; success, failure, hurt, help, all of the things that have lead up to where we all are now. Sometimes it is important to remember your memories, both good and bad. But, focusing on the bad things in your past doesn’t change them. And relishing in your past successes doesn’t guarantee or leave any further opportunity for success in the future.

"Pull yourself together!"-Edna

Each new day is a new opportunity! A chance to leave behind the mistakes of yesterday and strive for new successes. Make the most of this gift! Don't relinquish this day to your focus on the past. Rise to the occasion of a new day.  

Edna is right! Looking behind you distracts you from seeing what is right in front of you. Take advantage of the blessing of a new day!

Just remember. . . NO CAPES!!!

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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