Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2- Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

“Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.” – Snow White

Today I thought I’d share a quote from the first Disney princess of the first full-length animated movie! Snow White is one of my favorite princesses. She is graceful, smart, caring, and she has a smile that lights up the forest! She is the ultimate Disney princess, perhaps because she set the bar for future princesses. But regardless, I admire her!

I think one of the most important lessons to be learned from Snow White is optimism. I understand that there are some people who are more inclined to look at the glass as half-empty. But I think it is crucial to count your rainbows instead of your thunderstorms. Snow White was being hunted down (literally!) by her evil step-mother. Yet, she still managed to believe the best about her situation. I fully understand stress, uncertain circumstances, etc. But focusing on the negatives around you and always worrying about a situation isn’t going to change the problem or make it any more bearable.

You have the power to bring sunshine to the world! Even when everything seems to be falling apart (like say you eat a poisoned apple and almost die), you can choose to change your attitude about the circumstance. Find something that helps you feel better! Disney has proven that singing a song truly can change your perspective and attitude. Try it sometime!

 After Snow White’s storm, the prince she had been dreaming of arrived! Your storm will also pass; and you will find that rainbows always shine brighter when the sun is out. Be the sunshine in the world.

“What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song!” – Snow White

Feel Free to Quote Me.

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