Saturday, September 1, 2012

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity; it’s impossible to put down.
I love puns. I feel like they are magical encounters between humor and genius. These short, witty one-liners always seem to brighten my day. I find it fascinating that something as simple as a hot date not only relates to an extremely attractive companion but also to a heated fruit can broaden my smile. In the same way, I’ve always had this thing about quotes. I know all the English teachers of the world are cringing at the word “thing”, but that’s honestly the extent of how descriptive I can be about quotes. Let me explain.
I can quote anything once I hear it. I have this memory where, whether I just listened to a song, or finished a movie or really good book, I can instantly quote it. It’s just this thing I can do (there’s that word again). It’s the thing I’ve always had about quotes. My parents bought me this bulletin board a few years ago. One year, my mom suggested to me that I decorate it colorfully with words that inspire me and quotes that motivate me. That board still serves the same purpose. It hangs proudly in my room with quotes that make me feel encouraged to greatness.     
Because quotes are such a staple in my life, I told myself that one day I would say things people would want to repeat. I could always turn to someone else’s one-liner of brilliance when my thoughts seemed so inadequate. My mantra became encouragement to choose my words carefully because, one day, someone would use my one-liner; and it was up to me to decide if it would be brilliance or washout.
In this blog, I hope to combine other peoples’ virtuosity with my own musings relating to my day-to-day encounters. I should caution you now; there will be wild imagination, a hint of sarcasm, and mind-blowing insight; and I won’t be taking credit for all of it. This blog is for me, and all the people, movies, proverbs, and songs that I quote. So, on this journey I start today, as I am free to quote others, you too should Feel Free to Quote Me.

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