Sunday, September 30, 2012

Challenge Accepted

“The key to life is accepting challenges. Once someone stops doing this, he’s dead.” -Bette Davis
I was feeling blocked earlier this month as far as writing for my Blog goes. I felt like I couldn’t find the right quotes to use; I kept thinking there was nothing on my mind worth voicing. As I was talking to my mom about this (who just so happens to also have a Blog-which you all should read), she challenged me to take on the October 31-day challenge that many blogs do during October. This challenge forces you to write on one subject for the whole month. You must also post something every day. My mom is writing on being a mother which is her primary job and passion as of now (it’s going to be great and I encourage you all to read it!).
As I struggled to find a topic that I could write on for 31 days, I decided to look for something that women, particularly teenage girls (as that is my age group), would want to read about.
I think of myself as an encourager. I like to be peoples’ personal cheerleader. I decided to write on a topic that I hope will not only encourage others, but hopefully encourage me. See, there are always things that try to get in the way of reaching our full potential as women. As we all may struggle to find who we are and the purpose we have as women, I hope to help you all realize how truly amazing we are and are to be.
I have titled my topic for the next 31 days, You Are…
Each day, there will be a word that describes what/who women are. I hope to encourage girls to realize the greatness we all possess. This is for girls of all ages who may want or need to hear a little encouragement and inspiration to continue to grow strong in who we are. If you’re a guy, you should also feel free to read this for your own personal encouragement, or even to help the girls in your life.
As this is a major commitment for me to write every day, I hope you all will also commit to read every day. I couldn’t be more excited for the next month and all it has to bring!!!
And, in the next month, of course you should Feel Free to Quote Me.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Brianna! You DO have a lot of insight into people's feelings, and an encourager you truly are!! We often don't see our full potential, so I think this is a very good topic to be covered.
